本文是 I Will Teach You to Be Rich 的笔记。如果在美国生活居住,这本书是很好的入门理财书,可以用来作为初阶指南。
原笔记发布于 2019-06-20
Credit Card
- Keep main cards for a long time and keep them active
- 将所有的 subscription 转移到一张卡上。
- Request a credit limit increase every six to twelve months. (Crdit limit 对信用分的影响有 30%)
- 每年有一次免费获取信用分的机会。@Annualcreaditreport.com
- Track calls to financial companies.
- 剩余的部分都在讲 Debt 和利率,因为我每个月都还全款,所以不存在这些问题。
- Checking Account 是入口,所有的收入应该首先到这个账户里,然后再分配。
- 用信用卡来付账单,如果用不了,直接从 Checking Account 里面划账出去。
- Saving Account 比 Checking Account 多了利息。
- 推荐 Checking 和 Saving 在两个不同的银行。这样可以在心理上使得你区分两者,避免从 Saving 里面取钱。流程也变得更加麻烦(好事)。
- Credit Union 是本地银行,不盈利,由顾客所有,服务会更好。
- 银行靠贷款收利息来挣钱。同时向客户收取大量手续费来赚钱。好的银行不应该收手续费或者收较少的手续费。
- 推荐的银行
- Checking
- Schwab Bank Investor Checking (https://www.uscreditcardguide.com/charles-schwab-visa-platinum-debit-card-no-atm-fee-wordwide/) with Schwab One Brokerage Account
- No fees, no minimums, no-fee overdraft protection, free bill pay, free checks, an ATM card, automatic transfer and unlimited reimbursement of any ATM usage.
- Although you need to open a Schwab brokerage (investment) account to get all fees waived, you don’t actually need to use the investment account.
- 似乎需要一个 HP
- Schwab Bank Investor Checking (https://www.uscreditcardguide.com/charles-schwab-visa-platinum-debit-card-no-atm-fee-wordwide/) with Schwab One Brokerage Account
- Saving
- Capital One 360 Saving
- It lets you create virtual sub-savings accounts, in which you can specify savings goals like an emergency fund, wedding, or down payment for a house.
- 个人倾向于开 Discover,但是 NRA 不容易开,必须到网店。
- Capital One 360 Saving
- Checking
Get ready to Invest
- 雇主 match 401k,full match
- 还清 debt (不存在)
- 开 Roth IRA(收入少于120000,每年最多 5500)
- 还剩,再投资 401k
- 开出退休账户的其他投资账户
- 退休账户,59.5 岁之后才能取出
- 和雇主确认 paycheck 的一部分直接转入 401k
- pretax money,转入不收税,取出的时候再收税,这样滚利的本金更多
- 雇主会 match. Google offers a 50% 401k match up to $8,250.
- 每年有限额,但是雇主的 match 不算在限额里。
- 退休之前取出,10% penalty
- 换工作怎么办
- move it to an IRA(preferred)
- old 401k to new 401k
- leave you money at your current company
- cash out
Roth 401k
- some companies offer
- after-tax, if you think the tax rates is higher in the future, it’s great
- no income restrictions
- can roll over to a Roth IRA
Roth IRA
- 更多投资选择:index funds, individual stocks…401k 比较局限
- after-tax,只对本金收税,利息不收税
- 取本金不会有惩罚,但取赚到的利息会有。房子首付或者教育资金用的钱不收罚金(账号起码五年)。
- income restriction,不能超过一定数额
- 开 Roth IRA
- 先要开一个投资账户
- 推荐 Vanguard
- Health Saving Account
- Contribute tax-free money, take a tax deduction, grow it tax-free
- Must have a high-deductible health plan
- How it works
- 存钱
- get a debit card for qualified medical expenses including bandages, chiropractors, eye exams and glasses and prescriptions…
- Tax free payment
- 作为投资账户,be sure to open low-cost funds, ideally a target date fund
- 65岁之后,这些钱可以用于任何用途
Conscious Spending
- fixed costs: rent, utilities, debt… 50-60%
- 房租,水电费,车,交通,超市食杂费,衣服
- 在这些基础上加15%作为额外支出
- investment: 401k, Roth IRA… 10%(after tax, 但是包括401k)
- saving: Vacations, gifts, house down payment, emergency fund… 5-10%
- check zillow for house price
- guilt-free spending money: dining out, drinking, movies, clothes, shoes… 20-35%
Envelope system: 把钱分到固定的信封,用完即止(和 budget 有什么区别?)
Save while sleeping
- 1号,工资到手
- 2号,401k
- 5号,checking to saving and Roth automatically
- 7号,付清所有 bill,付清信用卡
The myth of financial expertise
Active vs Passive Management
- Mutual funds - collection of different investments like stocks or bonds. Try to pick the best ones.
- Usually they fail to beat the market
- high fee
- Index funds
- replace portfolio managers with computers
- pick the same stock an index holds(S&P 500, NASDAQ…)
- lower fee
- long term, the overall stock market has consistently returned about 8 percent after inflaction
Goal: Choose investments, pay less in fees and get superior performance.
- FI: Financially independent 钱生钱,直到某一个拐点,不需要依靠工作收入了。
- RE: Retire early
- Lean FIRE 过得很拮据
- FatFire 享乐型
- Asset allocation, the way you distribute the investments in your portfolio between stocks, bonds, and cash. Control the fish.
- Asset allocation is the most significant part of the portfolio 年轻的时候股票占比多,随年龄加大债券的比重。股票的类别也要多元化。
- stock
- 高风险高收益,散户不建议
- Bonds
- 有时长,收益是固定的
- 稳定,低风险
- 越有钱越喜欢债券
Mutual Funds
- 方便,fees,不是很可靠
- 股票组合,按公司大小分,按公司类别分
- 401k 里有 mutual funds
- Index funds
- 也要保障多样化,保证一个比例,need to rebalance regularly, usually every twelve to eighteen months. 停止继续往过多的部分加钱,补充不挣钱的部分直到重新平衡
- 选择低费用的,一般来说0.2%
- 研究过往收益
- Target Date Funds
- 设置一个退休日期,自动为你 rebalance
- funds of funds
- 401k
- few investments funds offered
- options like aggressive investments/balanced investments/conservative investments
- stay away from money market funds(like cash)
- Roth IRA
- 光给 Roth IRA 打钱是不够的,一定要买入
- target date funds or index funds
- 自己配置
- 30% Domestic equities: US stock funds, including small- mid- large-cap stocks
- 15% developed-world international equities: funds from foreign countries, UK, Germany, France
- 5% emerging-market equities: like china
- 20% real estate investment truest: REITs invest in mortgages and residential and commercial real estate
- 15% Government binds
- 15% Treasure inflaction-protected securities: TIPS
模型来自:《Unconventional Success》
Other investment
- real estate
- 回报低,维护成本高
- 艺术品
- 风险高
- 比特币
Maintain and grow your system
The Annual Financial Checklist
A rich life
- Reliability
- A car you love
- Resale value @kkb.com
- Insurance: the rate for a new and used one can be different
- 耗油量
- 首付
- 利率
买车的 Do 和 Don’t
- calculate total cost of ownership(maintenance, gas, insurance and resale value
- buy a car last at least 10 years
- don’t lease,除非
- 追求新车,愿意付钱
- 商人,租车有税收方面的好处
- don’t sell it in fewer than seven years
- don’t assume have to buy a used car
- don’t stretch budget for a car
- Use fightingchance.com () to get information about car
- average car is driven about 15000 mils per year. Maintenance schedule
- 20% 的首付,月供不仅是贷款,还有 property taxes, insurance and maintenance fees(hundreds per month)
- 第一套房子不会太好
- 起码住十年
- 中介会收大概 6% 的手续费
The cost of buying a house
- purchase price
- down payment(10%)
- closing costs
- private mortgage insurance
- interest
- taxes & insurance
- maintenance
- major repairs & improvements
NYT online calculator:is it better to rent or buy (https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/upshot/buy-rent-calculator.html)
Tips for buying a house
- 信用分越高越好
- 首付越多越好
- 算一下总费用
- 最保守的贷款方案(30 years flexed rate loan)
- 有些地方有羊毛(比如公司)
- online services。zillow.com,redfin.com,trulia.com,insure.com
- 房价总是涨。不一定,而且有机会成本。
- 用杠杆赚钱。房价明面上涨了,但是其他费用没有算进去。
- 降低税率。省钱但是花更多钱,2018税改降低了这个优势。